What to do with Homes filled with Personal Property after foreclosure, eviction, end of tenancy or abandonment.

The Auctionarium is now offering abandoned personal property appraisals to determine if the contents are valued at $700.00 or more
If the contents are valued at less than $700 as most are, a "Certificate de Minimus" is issued to legally allow you to dispose of the contents for your seller. This document acts as a shield between you, your seller and the former owner or tenant of the property.
Abandoned Personal Property Appraisals and Auctions Help Indemnify Agents, Owners, Landlords from Litigation by former tenants!
The Auctionarium provides a complete end-to-end hassle free service, legally compliant each step of the way to create barriers against litigation to foreclosing lenders, landlords and property managers.
Low Cost Abandoned Personal Property Appraisals Start at $699 Turned around within 3 days
The Auctionarium now offers the same service provided to major banks, Mortgage servicers, Government Agencies such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on a "one off" basis to small landlords and property management companies.
Indemnification Certificates for abandoned personal property remaining after tenancy of any type provided by Certified Personal Property Appraiser and CAI - AARE Auctioneer.
An ever increasing number of "victims" to foreclosure and/or eviction are suing for improper handling and illegal disposal of personal property to obtain nusiance settlements ranging from $10,000 to Hundreds of thousands of dollars in punitive damages.
The laws have not been enforced until the new changes that took effect January 1, 2013
For a fast response e-mail auctions@theauctionarium.com or call 818-583-7384
The Auctionarium provides abandoned personal property appraisals and Auctions throughout the State of California, Arizona and parts of Nevada.
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